Metal 2.1中的新关键字invariant

最近一段时间忙的天昏地暗,难得有空继续整理一发遇到的奇怪问题:iOS12设备上PreZ Pass出现了闪烁。这个问题也蛮有意思的,最后在同事的指导下找到了原因:Metal Shading Language Specification里面专门提到

[[invariant]] indicates that the floating-point math used in multiple function passes must
generate a vertex position that matches exactly for every pass. [[invariant]] may only be
used for a position in a vertex function (i.e., fields with the [[position]] attribute) to indicate
the result of the calculation for the output is highly likely (although not guaranteed) to be
invariant. This position invariance is essential for techniques such as shadow volumes or a zprepass.


#if __METAL_VERSION__ >= 210
#define POS_INVARIANT , invariant

struct FVSOut
float4 Position [[ position POS_INVARIANT ]];

接下来一通骚操作最后尝试出来是文档有一定的误导性:编译Shader的时候makeLibrary必须带上MTLCompileOptions,然后把languageVersion设为Metal 2.1。本来我一直以为这货留nil就行,因为languageVersion文档里是这么描述的

By default, the most recent language version available is used.

这么爆改之后确实解决了PreZ的问题,结果引入了一个新的问题: 必须强制把fastMathEnabled=true设置一下,不然fastMath竟然被禁用带来性能损失。结果这样就又和文档fastMathEnabled不太相符了…

The default value is true.


ps. 我后来多测了一下,发现MTLCompileOptionsnil的时候fastMath反而是默认打开的来着,囧。如果有整过这块的老司机欢迎交流,我还是觉得这块怪怪的来着…