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Kanglai Qian 10月 21, 2016


public Transform Parent = null;
void Start ()
//Transform Parent = null;
Transform SelfTransform = GetComponent<Transform>();
Transform a = Parent ?? SelfTransform;
Transform b = Parent != null ? Parent : SelfTransform;
Debug.Log(a == b);

竟然返回了False!难道是null coalescing operator挂了?

//public Transform Parent = null;
void Start ()
Transform Parent = null;
Transform SelfTransform = GetComponent<Transform>();
Transform a = Parent ?? SelfTransform;
Transform b = Parent != null ? Parent : SelfTransform;
Debug.Log(a == b);






我在官方论坛上提问了下the null coalescing operator(??) seems not working for Components,@Suddoha的解释非常清楚:

That specific operator only takes the usual ‘null’ into account, whereas Unity also offers a pseudo-null object to present more information to the programmers in the editor (that’s what happens in the second example, it’ll set such a mysterious object to that non-assigned, serialized field).

Usual comparisons like ==, != and some boolean comparisons will check whether the variable references ‘null’ or that pseudo-null.

简单来说,Unity在Editor里实现了一个pseudo-null的类(我估计这样顺便实现了Inspector里区分missing和none的状态),但是只重载了== !=等部分操作…

public Transform Parent;
void Start()
// overriden operator compares to null and fake-null, result is true
Debug.Log(Parent == null);
// casting to a System.Object reveals that there's actually something assigned to it, result is false
Debug.Log((System.Object)Parent == null);




论坛上@BoredMormon贴了一个官方博客的帖子CUSTOM == OPERATOR, SHOULD WE KEEP IT?,然后他整理的几个DONT很有用:

  • Never check if a UnityEngine.Object is null directly, always use the bool operator
  • Never cast a UnityEngine.Object to a System.Object
  • Never write a generic method designed to take UnityEngine.Object and System.Object
  • Never use ?? on a UnityEngine.Object